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Saturday, March 28, 2009

C'b la now a days bored until siao ar...
anyother postin 4 the ghost..
hungry ghost festival heaven start and yet im already postin my days 4 the ghost..
just wann say tat my school gt ppl jump down from his blk and die??
if dun belive go see newspaper>??
still got write our school name and his shirt is wearing our school uniform and
wearin school tie..haiz sad 4 him..but yet still alot of ppl spreadin abt his death??
my blog is only 4 ghost human dun read pls..

keehenghow bled for you at 5:50 AM


Monday, March 23, 2009

Waaa..So long nv post liao..anyway i post 4 ghost la cuz nobody borther
come read so i also dun BORTHER to write lor..

Waaa..Say abt today??
1 look at my eng teacher,Mr Ng like buay song with him cuz tat
day i joke with him only he ask me shut up,chee bye rite..
knn lor he,kns only wann act basketball player only..Now in-charge of basketball
in fuchun sec only and got a LAN JIAO picture with his basketball team on our board nia..
got 1 LAN JIAO BIN only wann act stupid sia..Tall nia so tall then Yao Ming Mah?
no rite than fk off from my face la hor!.
Everytime teach us the hand must come up,i think he too fat la hor than his shirt
stuck between his arm pit?

anyother problem was tat my art teacher buay song with me scold me infront of class..
i also BUAY SONG with her la..wann know her name,>Miss Joyce ****
Knn art teacher nia tok like wad..our school although is bad but NO singlish la hor Pub0rh..
wann get my class to become Singlish class isit?
Ask us things usin the "Mah" word?
isn't singlish?
Fkk off la hor teachers if ur name is inside la hor..

keehenghow bled for you at 7:49 AM


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Waaaaaa,tomorrow goin out of singapore lo!!! Thinkin abt wher am i goin? Not gona tell u lor.
haaha..try checking out with my friends?

Anyway quite sianz lor my cousin come my house so noisy somemore stay 4 2 days keep
watchin me play comp like wann see if i got see PORN anot..BORED~~~
anyway not really alot of things happened lo..
sometimes watchin movies on computer(NOT PORN PLS~)


keehenghow bled for you at 4:59 AM


Sunday, March 15, 2009

S0bbs..forgot to update again!..haiz.did not update cuz got some problem. just
dun wann say cuz in chinese its "Shou Lai Hua Chang" and the problem cause
me to go KKHospital to giv it a check.First i was abit scareed cuz its the 1st time
i need go hospital check my injury,when the nurse paste somethin round on my hand to
check my heart beat,the thing start to absorb like so many years nv suck something
and it cuz my heart beat to jump so fast and the nurse start to ask me relax..lolx
(Felt like crying but didn't)~Hehe..after dat the doctor say no problem with my injury..
Sianz Diao lor!!! Then go home happily cuz the doctor say nothin happen mahs!! HAHA!!
erm..i dun think dat there is anythin to write ler..Posting to be continued TOMORROW!!
Good NiteZ

keehenghow bled for you at 6:03 AM


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

OMG!!!Forgotten to update it..Argh..anyway i kena cannin in school at 9/3.
this is not a big deal anyway,just wann say this to the DM who caned me,MR FONG!!
U simply sucks la MR FONG!!
still nid wear wat "LIFE JACKET"..
My principal still said this to me b4 i was being canned.."U now fight in sec 1 what u gona
be when u grow up??" and i wanted to reply her "PORK SELLER"

After i was being canned she asked me "Is it painful??"anyway(A SILLY QUESTION)
if i tell her NO is she goin to nag at me again?
my reply was YES..
if i had more courage..

keehenghow bled for you at 12:35 AM


Saturday, March 7, 2009 its different..6am+ woke up and went to play
basketball with jack at tekong with some Wrps p6 ppl,then
played till 10+ go home..actually wann sleep like pig de..but..
saw my comp and i cant take it so i went to play my comp..
abt 12+went swimin with jack at woodlands ther..
then play play 1 fucker Ke Len Kia go spray
water at me and jack..Both got angry and felt like
whackin him the end,just scolded him
vuglar.then went home felt like sleepin but,same illness
cant help myslef with now playin with
haiz dun wann say anymore de,so..

keehenghow bled for you at 5:11 AM


Friday, March 6, 2009

Lolx..Actually i dunno anythin abt Jack who helped me with all this things..Anyway Thx Jack!!!! ^^
haha Frens who know me pls link me or..lolx..Tag..
Erm..Nothin to Write Lerhx=D

keehenghow bled for you at 5:35 AM


Hellos all .

JiaHao heree . Just done helping Henghow doing his blog (: .
Leave him a tagg (:

CYAS <3 .

keehenghow bled for you at 5:30 AM


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